
Everyone that switched to IT, welcome!

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With COVID as an accelerator, a reasonable amount of people made a career switch to IT and I can see why. Let me share my experience and explain why we should celebrate that.

COVID and job hopping

It's no secret that people are job hopping. Especially if you're a Millennial or Gen Z, found a study at Gallup. On top of that, a significant amount is considering a career change according to Zippia. The ongoing COVID pandemic probably has made an impact on this, leaving people to realise their job might be vulnerable.

I can speak from my personal experience, as I switched to IT 4 years ago. After working at two service desk jobs, I had the opportunity to switch to low code development. I've been really enjoying this, since I love to build new digital experiences. I think it fits my education quite nicely. I graduated as a Product Design at the Willem de Kooning academy, so cooking up new (creative) concepts and prototyping them are in my nature. But you don't have to be like me, you might as well bring a totally different skillset to IT.

New blood

To be honest, IT profits from the influx of new mindsets, genders and skills. It will nourish the advancements of technology and the appliances of it. As I'm bringing creativity, others might bring knowledge of psychology, administrations, mathematics and many more. We can benefit from each other strengths. Besides that, with the average IT employee being a white male over 35, we can use some "new blood". Let's show technology is for everyone.


I can recommend learning Outsystems. Since it's a low code platform, it's quite easy to pick up. If you're familiar with basic technology concepts and not afraid to learn new stuff, you will probably learn it quickly. Since Outsystems provides a series of Guided paths, you can start tinkering and see for yourself. If you're on the fence, don't be afraid to make the jump!